Pastor and Founder

Apostle Wright is the founder and Senior Pastor of Christ City of Faith Ministries, Inc. The ministry originally started in 1982 out of his home in Greensboro, Georgia. Apostle Wright has been pastoring since 1984. However, his Pastoral oversight of Christ City of Faith Ministries began in 1989.

Apostle Wright has established many groundbreaking ministries for which he has trained leaders to continue the vision. Believing God has called him to feed the hungry and to help those in need, Apostle Wright founded a Feed Hungry Program and Jail Ministry.

Apostle Wright has trained and mentored many ministers that were birth out of Christ City of Faith Ministries.

Apostle Wright attended the Christian College of Georgia in Athens, Georgia & Laborer’s Bible College, in Milledgeville, Georgia, under the auspices of Apostle Ronald Harden, Ph. D, Pastor of Christ Temple of Refuge Church.